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Bullet Speed
Bullet speed: very...
1 file
starting the story
now after we finish the Demo now is the time that we need start the story Update: bugs fixed...
1 file
bugs and Easter eggs
menu bug fixed added boss there are 3 easter eggs and join to our server:
1 file
Demo is Done???
yes market added androids are easy to kill double bullets added roads changed and a lot more...
1 file
a Trailer?
Roads build in more easy to kill androids...
1 file
Demo Number #0.03
new things: Trees Factory Houses Score and 100 Androids to destroy...
1 file
Demo is Complete??
kind of because there some bugs that we couldn't solve yet new things: Save and load now to interact needs to click E the bugs: when you do continue and than ne...
Huge Update
New Main menu...
1 file

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